An online GROUP EXPLORATION FOR WOMEN, Winter/Spring 2022

This is an invitation to gather with an intimate group of women as we transition from winter into spring, to explore our relationship with courage.


from French coeur, meaning heart. Also: "valor, quality of mind which enables one to meet danger and trouble without fear".

As we continue to move through personal and collective challenges and uncertainties;

How do we access our own courage to show up for ourselves and others? What is it to be courageous today? Where and how do we want - and are we called - to be courageous? What if we had more courage to choose love over fear?

The intention is for each of us to connect with our courage in ways that support us to live/learn/experience what we most need right now. That could be to find the courage to go inwards, be with ourselves and feel our own feelings. It can also be to tap into the courage we need to connect with others, to express ourselves, to create and bring our contributions into the world.

The group will offer a space for you to discover, cultivate and embody more of the courage you need, in order to be you and to live what your life is asking of you right now.


We will gather every other week for two hours on zoom. The work is exploratory and emergent. I will offer teachings, resources and tools in response to the issues that feel most relevant for the women in the group. In between our gatherings, you will be guided to go out into nature to explore the questions and teachings we are working with. You will also receive regular e-mails with poems and questions for deepening our explorations.

When we share our experiences and are witnessed by others, it moves us forward. Exploring in community allows us to tap into a bigger field of intelligence and opens us to new ways of seeing. We step into a flow of giving and receiving as we are sharing our discoveries and articulating our new learning and awareness with each other. When we connect with each other in safe and regenerative spaces, we also create a shared field of heart coherence. This promotes our health, relaxation and resourcefulness, and ripples out to those around us as well.


We will meet bi-weekly on zoom from mid-February to mid-April. Suggested times for gathering are:

Thursday February 17, 15-17 CET, 9-11 AM ET

Thursday March 3, 16-18 CET, 10-12 AM ET

Wednesday March 16, 16-18 CET, 10-12 AM ET

Thursday March 31, 16-18 CET, 10-12 AM ET

Thursday April 14, 16-18 CET, 10-12 AM ET

If you want to join but the times don't work, please let me know as it might be possible to make adjustments.


The suggested price is a sliding scale between 4500-5900 NOK (450-650 USD). Payment plans are available. If you wish to join but cannot pay the suggested amount, please let me know.


Sign up by sending me a message through my contact page by February 10. Please note that spaces are limited and registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Do reach out if you have any questions. You can also read more here about my women´s groups. If you join us, I look forward to being and exploring with you at this special time.

“To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or to do anything except to make conscious those things we already feel deeply and then to live through the unending vulnerabilities of those consequences (…) To be courageous is to be close to the way we are made.”

- David Whyte


Winter 2021-2022: Living From The Heart

Spring 2021: Exploring Inspiration

Spring 2021: Love in Response to Climate Change, with Julie Courtnage

Winter 2021: Exploring Enoughness

Winter 2020: Listening and Responding

Spring 2020: Facing the Unknown with Love, Trust and Support

Fall 2019: The Four Shields of Giving and Receiving

Spring 2019: Women´s Spring Group

Fall 2018: A Different Exploration of Money

Fall 2018: Exploring the Season of Fall

Spring 2018: Vårløsning/Women´s Spring Group

Spring 2018: Exploring in Community

Fall 2017: Exploring the New Story

Fall 2017: Ritual Theatre for Community Restoration, with Hector Aristizábal

Fall 2015: Money as Teacher, Ally and Friend